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Thursday 29 August 2013

The Most Suitable Time For Sunbathing

Flavoring in wine and grapes stopped chemical reactions that damage the skin cells in the process of ultraviolet irradiation.

According to a biochemist at the University of Barcelona and director of the research project, this work will help to create creams and other means of protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, and will also allow scientists to better understand how the destruction of the cells of the skin by ultraviolet rays.

Note that the most useful components of wine - is restorative, a powerful natural antioxidant.

Restorative contained in red wine, helps a person to cope with the many ills: for example, scientists have found that it is useful for concussion, improves eyesight, is an excellent preventive measure against cancer and even helps to overcome this illness (along with the main course of treatment).